
Piemontese DOC Cortese

Radiates its own light

Tenuta Genevrina

A tribute to the native Monferrato’s grapevine, a woman radiant, charming, yet simple, refined and confidential.
An encounter that hardly goes unnoticed.

General information

Name: Brilla

Denomination: Piemonte DOC Cortese

Vine Variety: Cortese

Year: 2022

Alcohol content: 12%

Appearance: straw yellow color

Olfatto: floral and yellow fruit notes

Tasting: the marked sourness finds balance and length in the mouth. It has a fresh and delicate taste.


A wine that needs to be discovered slowly, but with curiosity.
A nectar that you drink before with your eyes: shiny, a bright straw yellow with golden shades.
A fresh and delicate perfume, such as the taste; at first hints of yellow fruit transitioning into a distinct mineral note.
A specifically hand-picked Cortese.
Perfect to sip slowly and gently, to see how it evolves in the glass and palate.
A serving temperature at 11°C degrees, will make pleasant the opening of a friend group’s dinner, a fresh and delightful welcoming.
Brilla needs to be discovered, drank till the las drop, then peek through the keyhole on the label, once again discovering the beauty and gentleness of this bottle.

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